Healthy Habits Music Therapy Activity

With the new year coming up, many people are familiar with the idea of making New Years’ resolutions. Exploring how health is related to music can be a great, flexible session for many populations. Think of it as a music therapy sampler.

Setting: Groups (adults, adolescents)

Goals: Clients will identify healthy behaviors through musical interventions. Clients will complete upper and lower extremity movements. Clients will have opportunities to identify and express emotions. Clients will practice divided and sustained attention.

Materials: Guitar, Assorted Percussion, Whiteboard/Pens

Procedure: Ask group to list behaviors that make for healthy living. Encourage them to think beyond the body. What does emotional health look like? How can you boost your brain?

After making a list, brainstorm ways to practice each healthy habit through a music activity. Below are some answers I commonly get, but there are many possibilities!

  1. Exercise: Play drums for an arm workout, focusing on range of motion. Or, do seated movements to recorded music.
  2. Healthy Eating: Do parody songwriting listing healthy foods to the tune of “Yes, We Have No Bananas”.
  3. Be Optimistic: Sing through songs with a positive message. Discuss what makes you happy and how to overcome challenges. Song options: On the Sunny Side of the Street, Smile (Charlie Chaplin Version), When You’re Smiling, Blue Skies.
  4. Relaxation/Sleep: Do a short guided imagery, progressive muscle relaxation, or deep breathing accompanied to live music
  5. Time with Family/Friends: Lead a music-based discussion about friendship and what it takes to maintain healthy relationships. Song possibilities: You’ve Got a Friend (James Taylor), Getting to Know You
  6. Cognitive Exercises: Do a music activity that practices concentration, divided attention, or memory recall. With older adults, I like to do “Name That Tune” and leave our words. With smaller groups, I’ll try the “Take One, Pass One” game with egg shakers.

I work with older adults, so my song choices are skewed towards that generation, but the repertoire is endless. To make this activity more concrete, you could print up a menu of “Healthy Habits” and have people choose from the options.

Hope this inspires some great music therapy sessions and have a Happy New Year!